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masked students in a classroom and a student on a TV on Zoom tuning in to class

Adapt in the face of challenge.

At Branson, we believe that in-person learning is best for our students. Throughout the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we were committed to protecting our students and our community to ensure we could all continue to be on campus together.

Even in the 2023-24 school year, Covid is still with us and the effects of the pandemic years are still being felt in our school community. However, our commitment to keeping our community together and healthy has never wavered.

Learn more about Branson's Covid-19 response and our current health and safety protocols here.

Our Current Covid Protocols

Branson follows the guidance of Marin County Public Health, the California Department of Public Health, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in its policies and practices concerning Covid-19 prevention and contact tracing. Members of our community and visitors to campus must comply with Branson’s Covid guidance and policies, keeping in mind that this guidance may change frequently.

Responding to the Covid Pandemic

After quickly implementing a robust distance learning program in March 2020, Branson was the first high school in Marin County to resume in-person learning for all of our students, 4 days a week, in mid-October 2020. Keeping the health, safety, and well-being of our entire community – students, parents, faculty, and staff – top of mind, we adapted and came together as a community. Through new use of technology and indoor and outdoor classrooms, and a rigorous Covid testing program, Branson stayed open for in-person learning, athletics, and arts since then.

We are grateful to our students, faculty & staff, families, and alumni for their support of Branson during this challenging time. Even as the height of the pandemic fades into memory, we will continue to keep health and safety first – and we are using this as an opportunity to innovate and improve as a school in service to our mission and our students.

Covid News Highlights

Read Branson's School Site Specific Safety Plan/Covid-19 Safety Plan (SSSPP/CSP)

Masked students on campus

Read the plan


Do Your Part

  • If you feel sick, stay home.
  • Wear your mask where required.
  • Wash or sanitize your hands regularly.
  • Follow Public Health recommendations for vaccination.

COVID-19 Questions

Email us at

Branson's Covid Testing Plan

Posted here in compliance with SB 1479.